Neural networks mirror the behaviour of the human brain, enabling computer programmes to recognise patterns and solve common problems in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning.

Table of contents

    Nowadays neural networks are used frequently for various tasks such as text translation, face identification, recognising speech or handwritten text, control robots and autonomous vehicles, image recognition, image classification and many more.

    If neural networks are becoming so popular it would be good to create them in an easy way and the Axon library which is built on top of Nx allow to do that in Elixir.


    Axon is easy to use library that allows the creation of neural networks in Elixir. It is important to note that at the moment the library is in an early stage of development and at the moment the only available version of the library is v0.1.0-dev.

    In this tutorial, we will create a demo app that will allow us to train a simple Convolutional Neural Network to classify CIFAR images. The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes (airplane, car, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, truck), with 6000 images per class. We will start with loading data and preparing pictures in an appropriate form. Then we will create a neural network model. In the next step, we will train our model and then test our model with previously trained parameters.

    Demo app

    It's time to create our app:

    mix new neural

    add the latest stable release of Axon, Nx and Exla to your mix.exs file:

    def deps do
        {:axon, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github:  "elixir-nx/axon"},
        {:exla, github:  "elixir-nx/exla", sparse:  "exla", override: true},
        {:nx, "~> 0.1.0-dev", github:  "elixir-nx/nx", sparse:  "nx", override:  true},
        {:scidata, "~> 0.1.3"}

    We will use Scidata library to easily download training datasets and EXLA to compile numerical definitions to the CPU/GPU/TPU. Now we can run:

    mix deps.get

    to get our dependencies.

    Loading dataset

    First, we need to load our Cifar10 dataset and prepare data in an appropriate form. We load our data from the Scidata library and get train images and labels:

    {train_images, train_labels} =
    {images_binary, images_type, images_shape} = train_images
    {train_images, test_images} =
        |> Nx.from_binary(images_type)
        |> Nx.reshape(images_shape)
        |> Nx.divide(255.0)
        |> Nx.to_batched_list(32)
        |> Enum.split(1000)
    {labels_binary, labels_type, _shape} = train_labels
    {train_labels, test_labels} =
        |> Nx.from_binary(labels_type)
        |> Nx.new_axis(-1)
        |> Nx.equal(Nx.tensor(Enum.to_list(0..9)))
        |> Nx.to_batched_list(32)
        |> Enum.split(1000)

    Images and labels are saved in one big binary. image_shape variable is a tuple {50000, 3, 32, 32} where:

    • 50000 represents a number of images,
    • 3 represents RGB format since the images we are using are colour images (each pixel's colour sample has three numerical RGB components red, green, blue to represent the colour of that tiny pixel area)
    • 32, 32 is image size.

    Each pixel value in a dataset is an integer in the range between 0 and 255. We rescale pixel values to the range 0-1 by dividing them by 255. We want to represent our pixel in the 0 - 1 range because we don't want to put large numbers in our model.

    In the end instead of one big tensor we create a list of tensors using Nx.to_batched_list(32) and split our list into two lists. First bigger list we want to use to train our model and the second list we will use for tests to see how accurate is our trained neural network.

    Define model

    Our model will be defined using Convolutional Neural Network. This is a typical model for image processing neural networks. Here is what our neural network looks like:

    model =
        Axon.input({nil, 3, 32, 32})
        |> Axon.conv(32, kernel_size: {3, 3}, activation:  :relu)
        |> Axon.max_pool(kernel_size: {2, 2})
        |> Axon.conv(64, kernel_size: {3, 3}, activation:  :relu)
        |> Axon.max_pool(kernel_size: {2, 2})
        |> Axon.flatten()
        |> Axon.dense(64, activation:  :relu)
        |> Axon.dense(10, activation:  :softmax)

    You also need to add require Axon on top of your file. As input to our CNN, we provide a shape which is 3 colour channels and then image width and image height. Then we define 2 convolutional layers with pooling layers. In the end, we add dense layers to perform classification.

    Dense layers take a one-dimensional vector as input but the output of the last convolutional layer is a 3d tensor so we flatten the 3d tensor to a 1d vector using Axon.flatten() function. Cifar10 has 10 output classes (airplane, car, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship, truck) so the last dense layer has 10 outputs.

    Training and testing neural network

    Training our neural network is very simple:

    params =
        |> Axon.Loop.trainer(:categorical_cross_entropy, :adam)
        |> Axon.Loop.metric(:accuracy, "Accuracy")
        |>, train_labels), epochs: 10, compiler:  EXLA)

    We use the calculated previously model and images with labels downloaded from the Cifar10 dataset. I set epochs to 10 but you can also set it lower or higher - with a lower value you will get less accuracy.

    The next step is to test our trained model and check how much accuracy we can get.

    |> Axon.Loop.evaluator(params)
    |> Axon.Loop.metric(:accuracy, "Accuracy")
    |>, test_labels), compiler: EXLA)

    You can print the value from testing to the console to check how much accuracy you get. In my case, I got something about 90% accuracy. You can also check different models to check how they behave and try to get more accuracy.

    You might also want to check some random images from the internet or see if your network recognizes your car as a car and with what accuracy. So the only thing you need to do is to save your image for example somewhere in your project, resize it to 32x32 to fit our model and make some modifications to our code.

    Add StbImage library to mix.exs :

    def deps do
      [{:stb_image, "~> 0.1.0"}]

    this library allows us to load image and save it as Nx tensor:

    {:ok, binary, shape, :u8, _} = StbImage.from_file("path_to_image")
    tensor =
        |> Nx.from_binary({:u, 8})
        |> Nx.divide(255.0)
        |> Nx.reshape(shape, names: [:x, :y, :z])
        |> Nx.transpose(axes: [:z, :x, :y])
        |> Nx.new_axis(0)
    objects = [
    list = Axon.predict(model, params, tensor, compiler:  EXLA) |> Nx.to_flat_list()[list, objects])

    In the above example, we read the image from the path and then create the tensor from it like we did it before but now we create it only for the single image then we reshape it and transpose it to get a proper shape of the tensor. Then predict the function returns a 10-element list with the percentage probability to which class the photo belongs.


    Working with Axon you have to remember that the library is in the initial phase of development. If you have ever worked with python machine learning libraries I think you will also like Axon as they are very similar and you can see a lot of common points.


    What is the purpose of creating neural networks in Elixir with Nx and Axon?

    The purpose is to leverage Elixir's capabilities for pattern recognition and solving problems in AI, machine learning, and deep learning through the creation of neural networks.

    How do Nx and Axon facilitate neural network creation in Elixir?

    Nx provides numerical computation capabilities, while Axon serves as a neural network library, making the process more straightforward and efficient.

    What is the CIFAR-10 dataset, and how is it used in this context?

    CIFAR-10 is a dataset used for image classification with neural networks, containing 60,000 32x32 color images across ten classes.

    How can one start building a neural network in Elixir using Nx and Axon?

    Begin by setting up a new Elixir project, adding dependencies for Axon, Nx, and EXLA, and then proceed with dataset preparation and model definition.

    What steps are involved in training and testing a neural network with Elixir?

    The process involves defining the model, preparing the data, setting the training parameters, and then evaluating the model's accuracy.

    What are common challenges and considerations when creating neural networks in Elixir?

    Challenges include managing the early development stage of libraries, ensuring correct data processing, and achieving satisfactory model accuracy.

    How can one improve the accuracy of neural networks built with Elixir?

    Improving accuracy can involve adjusting the model's architecture, tuning hyperparameters, and using more advanced training techniques.

    Mateusz Tatarski
    Mateusz Tatarski Elixir Developer

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