Meet Stakester
As it already brings together more than 100 000 gamers across 31 countries, the company was looking for help in scaling as well as developing new features.

Background - what was the idea?
Imagine that you are quite a decent player, but do not necessarily feel like a part of an elite e-sport team. Or, maybe you are a pro player, and you would love to compete on a daily basis with other pros. Is there a place, where I can put my hard-earned skills to the ultimate test and play for real awards regardless of my skill level on a daily basis? Meet Stakester - a community of game players ready to challenge you in your favourite games for real money and prizes!
There are different options at Stakester. You can either play 1-on-1 console games like Fifa and CoD, or you can join the time-limited score-based competitions in mobile games. The library of games is growing, and for sure you'll find something for yourself.
Stakester is a team of gaming enthusiasts, and you can be sure that they will always positively surprise you with new ideas. One of these is an awesome collection of NFT cards.

We are responsible for both maintenance and further improvements of Stakester backend written in Elixir & Phoenix, as well as the frontend mobile app written in React Native. One of the most challenging aspects of developing this app is the scalability aspect.
As the user base grew into big numbers (over 100 000 and still counting) the backend has to be ready to deliver its services in a timely manner. Especially when the demand is high at peak times.
One of the well-known core features of the Elixir language is scalability (read more about other great features of Elixir & Phoenix), and that's why we already have the right tool to scale the app easily. What we're trying to constantly improve is the architecture design of the system, communication with the mobile app, performance of DB queries and communication between processes.
Stakester was looking for a team of software development experts in the following technologies: Elixir, React and React Native. As this is exactly our tech stack, it was a great fit right from the beginning.
At first, we concentrated on the things that didn't work properly in the app and provided a list of recommendations to implement in order to resolve issues and reduce accumulated technical debt. As this step was completed, we continued to work on the next challenges.
One of the assumptions of our cooperation was the ability to work closely with the core Stakester team, as well as grow with the demand. Both of these were fully satisfied on both sides, and we can't wait to see what the future brings in this great project!
"Thanks to Curiosum, the platform now supports 10 times more users within the same server capacity. Also, external and internal stakeholders are happy with the quality of the application. Overall, the team works seamlessly through two-week sprints, using Slack and Jira for project management."