Elixir software development services

Our unique team of  top Elixir experts   will become your company's competitive advantage

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Elixir programming language has been our core specialization since the beginning. We started Curiosum with the goal of providing exceptional software services, and in order to make sure that we deliver on this promise, we picked a tech stack that aligns with this vision.

Our expertise in the Elixir language goes back to 2016, and since then, we had a chance to prove our skills and commitment to this technology in various clients' projects, open-source, conferences, podcasts, and blogs.

Why Elixir programming language?

Elixir Software Development & Elixir Consultancy - Elixir Productivity
High Productivity
With its easy-to-read syntax, rich ecosystem, and functional design, Elixir stands out as a highly productive programming language favored by businesses eager to rapidly develop and upscale new functionalities.
Elixir Software House & Elixir Consultancy - Elixir Scalability
World's best Scalability
Scalability is Elixir's most frequently cited selling point, and there is a good reason for that. Elixir is based on Erlang VM, the world's most comprehensive platform for parallel processing and distributed processing.
Elixir Consulting Services & Elixir Consultancy - Elixir Fault Tolerance
Robust Fault tolerance
Another big Erlang VM's feature is fault tolerance. Erlang was initially designed to bring scalability, distributed processing, and fault tolerance to telephony architecture, and Elixir, with its improvements over Erlang, takes fault tolerance to the next level.
Elixir Consultancy Services - Elixir Ecosystem
Incredible Ecosystem
Over the years, the Elixir ecosystem has become a unique gem. Phoenix, Phoenix LiveView, Nerves, and Numerical Elixir are just a few incredible frameworks that bring this programming language closer to new domains and respond to modern trends in IT.
Learn more about Elixir programming language in our guide ➜

We're building exciting Elixir-based applications with our clients

We successfully delivered tens of Elixir-based projects for small, medium, and large organizations.
Curiosum Elixir software development & Elixir Consultancy, our client - Digiforma
French largest training management platform serving thousands of French organizations.
Check Digiforma case study ➜
Curiosum Elixir dev shop & Elixir Consultancy, our client - Ellesz
Dutch healthcare and smart home platform that connects residential clients, companies, and institutions.
Check Ellesz case study ➜
Curiosum Elixir consulting & Elixir Consultancy, our client - Stakester
Stakester connected hundreds of thousands of players who played their favorite games for money and prizes.
Check Stakester case study ➜
"Curiosum team has adapted very well to the way we work and has been able to give valuable contribution to our overall product development"

Henri Morlaye, Co-founder of Digiforma

Check more projects in our portfolio ➜

We can help you with various Elixir-related challenges

Elixir consulting
Phoenix framework
web development
Phoenix LiveView
web development
Elixir codebase review and refactor
Migration strategy to Elixir ecosystem
Scaling Elixir-based applications
Elixir project architecture consulting
Custom Elixir software

We're Elixir experts and you can verify this claim

As a software development company that heavily invested in Elixir from day one,  we had a chance to not only deliver tens of Elixir projects but also participate in knowledge sharing, open-source projects, and community-building activities.
Check more of our resources ➜

Cooperation process that simply works

First meeting
We meet to discuss your specific project needs. You will get to know us better, especially in terms of how we cooperate with our clients and how we approach working with Elixir projects.

After the meeting, you'll receive a full meeting summary, company overview, and cooperation proposition.
Second meeting
Once you review our proposition and decide to work with us, we will schedule a second meeting to prepare for work. Before that, we usually sign an NDA to keep you safe.

After the paperwork, we start to review the code and project scope to prepare specific tasks and share our ideas regarding improvements.
Development and release
We're ready to work and the real development starts. Every feature development cycle involves programming, code testing, code review, quality assurance and deployment.

Quality is a must for us. Therefore, every project involves a thorough continuous integration process to minimize human errors.
To make sure that both sides are satisfied with the work, we organize regular meetings. Thanks to the feedback loop, we can grow together.

Mistakes and problems may always happen. It's very important to discuss them as soon as they appear and solve them quickly. That's why we value constructive feedback very much.

Cooperation models that fits your organization

We are working with small, medium, and large companies, and we know that each company has its own goals, strategies, and needs.

Regardless of what type of organization you represent, our goal is to be a partner that becomes an integral part of your company.
Curiosum Elixir Dev Agency & Elixir consulting - Outsourcing model
Outsourcing model
We are responsible for delivering your project from scratch or as a new module within an existing application. To make sure that you're up-to-date with our work, we maintain daily communication and meetings.
Curiosum Elixir Software Development & Elixir consulting - Staff Augmentation model
Staff augmentation model
We extend your current team, providing expertise and team size for your needs. Our single goal here is to make sure that our part of the team becomes an integral part of yours so that it feels like you hired someone in-house.
Learn more about cooperation types ➜

Schedule a free Elixir consultation

You probably have some questions, and that's perfectly fine. We learned over time that the easiest way to discuss specific needs and dispel any doubts is through a meeting. We invite you to schedule a free Elixir consulting video call meeting.
Check other ways to reach out ➜

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Elixir software development company?

How many Elixir projects has Curiosum delivered?

Do you work with other technologies as well?

What is the minimum engagement from our consultants?

How can we prove our Elixir expertise?