Using and Logger.debug in ExUnit tests

By default in the test env, Phoenix doesn't show Logger.debug/ outputs in the console.

Table of contents

    Logger provides 4 printing levels:

    • info (allows errors, warns, debugs, infos)
    • debug (allows errors, warns, debugs)
    • warn (allows errors, warns)
    • error (allows errors)

    By default the :warn level is turned on. It means that only Logger.warn and Logger.error is printed to the output.

    If you'd like to use another two, go to your config/test.exs file and you'll probably see:

    # Print only warnings and errors during test
    config :logger, level: :warn

    Just change the line to the proper level (:debug or :info), and you're ready to go:

    # Print all (errors, warnings, debugs and infos) during tests
    config :logger, level: :info
    Oskar Legner
    Oskar Legner Elixir & React Developer

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