How to redirect back to previous page in Elixir & Phoenix?
In this post, you'll learn how to easily redirect users to the previous path using the Navigation History plug.
It's super easy, first add the plug to dependencies:
def deps do
{:navigation_history, "~> 0.3"}]
Then, add it to your pipeline of choice (in most cases it's gonna be :browser
pipeline :browser do
plug NavigationHistory.Tracker
Now, you can use use available NavigationHistory.last_path/1
function to access the previous path:
redirect(conn, to: NavigationHistory.last_path(conn))
That's it! You can also exclude specific paths from navigation history:
plug NavigationHistory.Tracker, excluded_paths: ["/login", ~r(/admin.*)]
Find more details about this lib here:
Until next time!
Check this article: Why Elixir & Phoenix is a great choice for your web app in 2022