Everyone learning a new programming language has probably been there. There’s a missing piece in the new programming language, probably a library.

Table of contents

    You search for alternatives:

    • Library A (last commit 7 years ago)
    • Library B (one commit in the repository)
    • Library C (paywalled, can be only accessed by paying bitcoin)
    • Library D (GPLv3, can’t use it commercially)
    • Library E (requires a PhD in that library to write a hello world)

    Or maybe you can’t find anything that would fill the void.

    Or maybe the new library is much more complex and you wish to use the abstractions from your old one.

    One thing that comes to mind is just to start developing your own. But not everyone has the time or can commit into what essentially would be a rewrite of an already existing library in another programming language.

    If that’s you, there’s no need to lose hope.

    You can:

    • create a REST/GQL API using the language and library of your choice and connect to your project (takes a lot of time)
    • create an ABI and connect your programs through that (not applicable to interpreted languages like Python)
    • communitate through stdin/stdout

    In this article we’ll focus on the last option.

    What’s a ‘Port’ in


    Here’s an excerpt from Erlang docs:

    Ports provide the basic mechanism for communication with the external world, from Erlang’s point of view.

    They provide a byte-oriented interface to an external program.

    When a port has been created, Erlang can communicate with it by sending and receiving lists of bytes, including binaries.

    Here’s more info from the Erlang tutorial (example with a C program):

    The Erlang process that creates a port is said to be the connected process of the port.

    All communication to and from the port must go through the connected process.

    If the connected process terminates, the port also terminates (and the external program, if it is written properly).

    In essence as a developer what you’ll need to do is communicate through stdin/stdout:

    On the C side, it is necessary to write functions for receiving and sending data with 2 byte length indicators from/to Erlang.

    By default, the C program is to read from standard input (file descriptor 0) and write to standard output (file descriptor 1).

    Erlport to the rescue

    Implementing this could be another headache that could push you back from working on your project.

    Fret not! Someone already did all the grunt work.

    From the ErlPort’s home page:

    ErlPort is a library for Erlang which helps connect Erlang to a number of other programming languages.

    Currently supported external languages are Python and Ruby.

    The library uses Erlang port protocol to simplify connection between languages and Erlang external term format to set the common data types mapping.

    Essentially ErlPort is a library not only for Elixir but also for the respective supported languages (Python and Ruby).

    This way you get to easily represent things like atoms in the connected language.

    Example project

    I think the best way to try it out is through an example project.

    Here, I’ll demonstrate the power of ErlPort by showing an example of a web scraper for our blog posts in Python and connecting to it with a Phoenix app.

    Here’s the completed project.

    The scraper

    Scraper’s source can be found here.

    I’ll skip over the implementation of the scraper and focus on the glue.

    Here’s how we store an article in our Python code:

    class Author:
        name: str
        image_url: str
    class Tag:
        title: str
    class Article:
        title: str
        tags: list[Tag] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
        teaser: str = ""
        author: Author = field(default_factory=lambda: Author("John Doe", ""))
        read_time: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=0)
        posted_at: date = date(year=2024, month=1, day=1)

    And here’s the function we’ll be interested in calling from our Elixir code:

    def get_blog_page(page: int = 1) -> list[Article]:
        resp = get(blogpost_url(page))
        dom = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "lxml")
        articles_dom = dom.select("article.blog-card")
        articles = list(map(process_article, articles_dom))
        return pickle.dumps(articles)

    The interesting part here would be pickle.dumps(articles).

    Pickles a way of serializing Python objects (just like JSON, but python specific).

    ErlPort thankfully supports pickled objects, but you will need to deserialize them later(we’ll get to that).

    So why theErlPort pickle?

    Here’s where we take a look at the data types mapping table in ErlPort’s docs.

    There’s no Erlang type that would represent an instance of our Article class.

    Our article class would show up as a list of “Opaque Python data type container” which would be represented by a binary type.

    Which would be non trivial to convert back to an Elixir struct.

    Much easier way is to just serialize and then deserialize this type of data.

    You could use JSON or pickle which is actually easier to implement on both sides.

    The Elixir context

    Here’s are the relevant libraries that we’ll be using in this project(the ones added by default with mix phx.new are omitted)

    defp deps do
          # ...      
          {:erlport, "~> 0.11.0"},
          {:unpickler, "~> 0.1.0"},
          {:timex, "~> 3.7"}    

    Elixir part of the project can be found here

    I’ll explain each line of the get_page/1 function:

    py_project_path = Path.join(File.cwd!(), "python")

    Here we get the path of the python/ directory in the root of our project.

    This is important for the next step to find our Python module.

    {:ok, python} = :python.start(python_path: String.to_charlist(py_project_path))

    Here we start the Python interpreter process and assign the PID to python variable. :python.start/1 doesn’t support binary strings and thus you have to convert your python path to a charlist.

        {blogs, ""} = python
          |> :python.call(:curiosum_blogposts, :get_blog_page, [page])      
          |> Unpickler.load!(object_resolver: &object_resolver/1)

    Here’s where the actual call to our get_blog_page Python function happens.

    :curiosum_blogposts is the python module name, which coincides with the curiosum_blogposts.py filename.

    :get_blog_page is the function name.

    The last argument is a list of positional arguments to be passed to the function.

    Interesting part on the last line is:

          |> Unpickler.load!(object_resolver: &object_resolver/1)

    where we pass the result to the unpickler library’s load/2 function.

    Normally the library would return a list of nested Unpickler.Object. Here we make use of the :object_resolver option, which takes a function that converts a Unpickler.Object into whatever we want.

    Here’s an example for datetime.date object:

    defp object_resolver(%Unpickler.Object{constructor: "datetime.date"} = obj) do
        [<<year_hi, year_lo, month, day>>] = obj.args
        Date.new(year_hi * 256 + year_lo, month, day)  

    As you can see, sometimes, for values that don't fit in a char size (byte) the value gets split into 2 or more chars and needs to be converted.

    And for the last part we kill Python using:



    The way of starting up a Python process and killing it at the end of a function is not only inefficient but also might leave us with a zombie process. You also might lose some nice benefits of caching on the Python side

    For a more sane approach I’d suggest wrapping the Python process in a GenServer. This way the process would be supervised and you will get some benefits for running the interpreter for longer than a single function call.

    This would be extremely important if you have some long running tasks to execute from Python.

    To finish it up

    I generated a cool UI using Vercel’s V0 generative UI AI tool.

    Borrowing libs from Python in Elixir

    I hope you have some fun and save some time by utilizing libraries you love.

    See ya!


    What is the main advantage of using Python libraries in Elixir applications?

    Integrating Python libraries into Elixir applications allows developers to leverage Python's extensive ecosystem, particularly for tasks where Elixir may lack direct library support, enhancing the application's capabilities without starting from scratch.

    How can Elixir communicate with Python for leveraging libraries?

    Elixir can communicate with Python using ports, which are byte-oriented interfaces for external programs, allowing data exchange through standard input and output streams.

    What is ErlPort and how does it assist in Elixir and Python integration?

    ErlPort is a library for Erlang (and thus Elixir) that facilitates the connection to other programming languages, including Python, using the Erlang port protocol and external term format for data type mapping.

    Can you provide an example of a project that integrates Python with Elixir?

    The article describes an example project where a Python-based web scraper is integrated into a Phoenix (Elixir-based) web application, showcasing practical integration.

    How is data serialized between Python and Elixir applications?

    Data serialization between Python and Elixir can be achieved using formats like JSON or Python's pickle, with ErlPort supporting these formats to translate Python objects into Elixir-readable forms.

    What are the potential drawbacks of integrating Python into Elixir applications?

    Starting and stopping a Python process within Elixir functions can lead to inefficiency and zombie processes. A more robust solution involves managing the Python process within a GenServer for better efficiency and caching.

    How can Elixir handle complex Python data types during integration?

    Elixir can handle complex Python data types through serialization and deserialization mechanisms like ErlPort’s support for pickled objects, allowing complex types to be translated into Elixir structures.

    What are the best practices for managing the lifecycle of Python processes in Elixir?

    For efficient Python process management, embedding the Python interpreter within a GenServer in Elixir is recommended, as it offers supervised process management and benefits from longer runtime and caching.

    Maksymilian Jodłowski - Elixir Developer
    Maksymilian Jodłowski Elixir Developer

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