Absinthe with Phoenix Framework

Absinthe with Phoenix Framework - a guide to properly get started with GraphQL using Elixir

The goal of this tutorial is to lay out the basics about queries, mutations, subscriptions, and everything around.

Table of contents

    This is a guide about implementing a GraphQL server in Elixir using the Phoenix Framework with Absinthe. Absinthe is an all-in-one GraphQL toolkit to create APIs. You will learn how to correctly set up an Elixir & Phoenix project to handle GraphQL requests, how to use Absinthe DSL to define queries, mutations, and subscriptions, how to structure the app before it gets messy, and some things about middleware, tests, auth, and more.

    Note: This guide assumes you have basic knowladge about Phoenix and GraphQL.

    Getting started

    Let's start building the app. The first step, as always, is to initialize a project. So, let's create a new Elixir & Phoenix project without assets (Tailwind, Esbuild) and HTML. We want to create a GraphQL API so, these are not needed.

    mix phx.new app --no-assets --no-html

    I have prepared a GitHub repository that follows the tutorial. You can take a look when you are stuck.

    Install dependencies

    To get started with Absinthe, we need to add it as a dependency.

    # mix.exs
    {:absinthe, "~> 1.7"},
    {:absinthe_plug, "~> 1.5"}

    And install the new dependencies.

    mix deps.get

    Configure the formatter

    This step is optional but recommended and adds formatter support for Absinthe's DSL and GraphQL files.

    # .formatter.exs
    import_deps: [..., :absinthe],
    plugins: [..., Absinthe.Formatter],
    inputs: [..., "{lib,priv}/**/*.{gql,graphql}"]

    Basic configuration

    Without further ado, let's configure the app.

    Configure Plug's parser

    The first thing we have to configure is the Plug's Parser. To configure the parser we have to add Absinthe.Plug.Parser to the parsers option, this will add support for incoming requests of type application/graphql by extracting the query from the body.

    # lib/app_web/endpoint.ex
    plug Plug.Parsers,
      parsers: [..., Absinthe.Plug.Parser],

    Configure router

    Absinthe's documentation shows a few ways how to use Absinthe.Plug to expose a GraphQL API. We will create a new Plug router, and forward it from the main Phoenix router. This way we do not limit ourselves when in the future we would want to add some sort of other routes.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/router.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Router do
      use Plug.Router
      plug :match
      plug :dispatch
      forward "/graphql",
        to: Absinthe.Plug,
        init_opts: []

    As you can see, we have forwarded the /graphql path to Absinthe.Plug, and that's almost all. I have left an empty init_opts option because the route will not work without a schema. We will work on that in the next step. All available options.

    Now, we have to forward the GraphQL router to the main router. This will expose the API to the /api/graphql path.

    # lib/app_web/router.ex
    scope "/", AppWeb do
      forward "/api", GraphQl.Router

    About GraphiQL

    As with most of the backend GraphQL solutions, Elixir Absinthe provides a GraphiQL playground via the Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL plug. There is support for multiple different interfaces.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/router.ex
    if Application.compile_env(:app, :dev_routes) do
      forward "/graphiql",
        to: Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
        init_opts: [
          interface: :playground

    Basic schema

    Everything in GraphQL is schema-driven, we define types, queries, and everything else in the schema. We use the query language to request data from a server. So let's create our first schema.

    Define starting schema

    To start with our schema, we have to use the Absinthe.Schema module. The module allows us to:

    • define root types for queries, mutations, and subscriptions using the corresponding macros,
    • and expand the schema using plugins, middleware, and context functions.

    At this point, it is a good idea to import custom types from Absinthe.Type.Custom by using the import_types macro. This will allow us to use some of the native Elixir types, e.g., Decimal and DateTime.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      use Absinthe.Schema
      # datetime, naive_datetime, decimal
      import_types Absinthe.Type.Custom
      # query do
      # end
      # mutation do
      # end
      # subscription do
      # end

    Let's make use of the schema and add the schema option in init_opts for GraphQL and GraphiQL routes. The value of the option should point to the module where the schema is defined.

    Note: You can define multiple schemas, for example: one schema with every possible field for GraphQL route and another with only public fields for GraphiQL route.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/router.ex
    init_opts: [
      schema: AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema

    Now let's create some resources that we can work on. Later, we will replace users with the phx.gen.auth.

    mix phx.gen.context Accounts User users email:string
    mix phx.gen.context Blog Post posts title:string user_id:references:users

    Create the first type

    GraphQL types describe structures of queried data. To define a type in the Absinthe schema, we use an object macro and a field macro inside the object macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    # object :post, name: "PostType" do
    object :post do
      field :id, non_null(:id)
      field :title, :string
      field :user_id, non_null(:id)
      field :inserted_at, non_null(:naive_datetime)
      field :updated_at, non_null(:naive_datetime)

    Let's break down the example above:

    • object :post do defines a GraphQL object named "Post".
    • object :post, name: "PostType" do defines a GraphQL object named "PostType". In the Absinthe schema, we would still use :post.
    • field :title, :string defines a string field named "title".
    • field :id, non_null(:id) defines a field with the type of :id, non_null is one of two available utility functions, this function will make the field non-nullable. The second utility function is list_of which will wrap a given type in a list.

    Create the first query

    GraphQL queries are a way to request specific data from a server flexibly and efficiently. To create a query, we have to define a field inside the do-block of the query macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    query do
      field :get_post, :post do
        arg :id, non_null(:id)
        resolve fn %{id: id}, _ -> {:ok, App.Blog.get_post(id)} end

    Let's break down the example above:

    • field :get_post, :post do defines a GraphQL field named "GetPost" with a return type of :post that is possibly null. As you can imagine the :post type is the object that we have defined earlier.
    • arg :id, non_null(:id) defines an argument that the query will accept, in this case, usage of non_null indicates that the argument is required.
    • resolve fn %{id: id}, _ -> {:ok, App.Blog.get_post(id)} end, this is the resolver function for the query. Resolvers are responsible for fetching the actual data for a query. In this case, the function is of an arity of 2. The first argument is a map that contains arguments that were provided to a query, in this example, the map will always contain an id. The second argument is an Absinthe.Resolution struct. The resolver function returns a tuple with the :ok atom, which indicates that the query is successful.

    Note: Under the cover query, mutation and subscription macros are just objects with a custom name, e.g., mutation -> "RootMutationType".


    Create the first mutation

    GraphQL mutations are a way to modify data on the server. To create a mutation, we have to define a field inside the do-block of the mutation macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    mutation do
      field :create_post, non_null(:post) do
        arg :title, non_null(:string)
        arg :user_id, non_null(:id)
        resolve fn args, _ -> App.Blog.create_post(args) end

    Let's break down the example above:

    • field :create_post, non_null(:post) do defines a GraphQL field named "CreatePost" with a return type of :post.
    • arg :title, non_null(:string) defines an argument that the mutation will accept.
    • resolve fn args, _ -> {:ok, App.Blog.create_post(args)} end, this is the resolver function for the mutation.

    Note: Instead of field :create_post, non_null(:post) do we can write field :create_post, type: non_null(:post) do and the result will be the same.


    Input objects

    Input objects are used to represent nested input structures in GraphQL query or mutation. While regular objects in GraphQL are used only to represent output types, input objects are specifically designed to handle input arguments. To create an input we have to use the input_object macro and field macros to define fields.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    input_object :create_post_input do
      field :title, non_null(:string)
      field :user_id, non_null(:id)
    mutation do
      field :create_post, type: non_null(:post) do
        arg :input, non_null(:create_post_input)
        resolve fn %{input: args}, _ -> App.Blog.create_post(args) end

    Returning errors

    We have learned that to return data, we have to return a tuple with :ok as the first value from a resolve function. Errors are returned in a very similar manner, instead of :ok we have to return :error. As the value of the error, we can return:

    • A simple string.
    • A map or keyword list that includes a "message" key along and any additional serializable metadata.
    • A collection comprising various combinations of the above structures.
    • Any other value that is compatible with the to_string/1 function, e.g., atom, number.
    {:error, "Invalid"}
    # Custom errors
    {:error, %{message: "Invalid", details: %{type: "string"}}}
    # Multiple errors
    {:error, ["Invalid", %{message: "Invalid", details: %{type: "string"}}]}

    Here is an example of how to return an error when a post is not found. Please note that I have changed the return type to return non-nullable post.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    alias App.Blog.Post
    field :get_post, non_null(:post) do
      arg :id, non_null(:id)
      resolve fn %{id: id}, _ ->
        case App.Blog.get_post(id) do
          %Post{} = post -> {:ok, post}
          _ -> {:error, :not_found}



    Resolvers are functions responsible for retrieving or modifying the data from a server. So far we have defined some in-line resolvers using the resolve macro. The better way of handling resolvers is to create them outside of a query or mutation, by doing that we can easily pattern-match the arguments.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    def get_post(%{id: id}, _resolution) do
      case App.Blog.get_post(id) do
        %Post{} = post -> {:ok, post}
        _ -> {:error, :not_found}

    As you can see we still are using the resolve macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    field :get_post, non_null(:post) do
      arg :id, non_null(:id)
      resolve &get_post/2

    What is a resolution?

    The last argument in a resolver function is referred to as the resolution argument. This argument provides information about the current state of the resolution process and includes details that the resolver may use or interact with. The resolution is a map containing various key-value pairs, and its specific structure includes information such as the parent result, arguments, context, and execution state. The most common use case for the resolution is an implementation of custom error handling.

    Handling nested data

    GraphQL's ability to represent nested and hierarchical data structures is one of its key strengths, and Elixir Absinthe provides us with a simple way of doing so. We will use the resolve macro again, but instead of providing a function with an arity of 2, we will provide one with an arity of 3. The only difference is that the first argument is now a parent, the second is arguments and the third is a resolution. The parent is an object that is one higher in the hierarchy. In the example below, the parent will be the user. Based on the parent, we can fetch all of the user's posts.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    object :user do
      field :id, non_null(:id)
      field :email, :string
      field :inserted_at, non_null(:datetime)
      field :updated_at, non_null(:datetime)
      # field :posts, list_of(:post), resolve: &list_posts/3
      field :posts, list_of(:post) do
        arg :date, :date
        resolve &list_posts/3
    def list_posts(%App.Accounts.User{} = author, args, _resolution) do
      {:ok, App.Blog.list_posts(author, args)}
    def list_posts(_parent, args, _resolution) do
      {:ok, App.Blog.list_posts(args)}


    The N + 1 problem

    With the nested data, a common problem arises the N+1 problem. The N+1 problem occurs when resolving a list of items that have relationships with other types. To better explain the issue, let's take a look at the example below. The post has an author; just defining this will result in excessive database queries.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    object :post do
      field :user, non_null(:user), resolve: &get_user/3
    def get_user(%{user_id: user_id}, _args, _resolution) do
      {:ok, App.Accounts.get_user(user_id)}

    The issue shows itself when we want to list posts with their authors. We will use one SQL query to list the posts and one query for each post to get the author. This is where the name comes from N+1:

    • N - number of posts, for each we have to fetch the author.
    • 1 - query to list the posts.
    query {
      listPosts {
        user {

    How do we remedy the N+1 issue? There are two easy ways to solve the issue. The first one is to use joins in the resolver function of a query or mutation. The second one, which is described in the documentation, is to batch the lookups. It means that instead of fetching the author for each post, we can fetch every needed author in one query. We just have to aggregate every user_id from the fetched posts, and then query the needed data. Later we will learn about the Dataloader library which will batch data for us with little to no effort.

    The batch helper

    Absinthe provides us with the batch helper function. As the name suggests the function will help us batch data. In the code snippet below, the batch helper function is used to efficiently fetch user data by their IDs associated with each post. The list_users_by_ids/2 function retrieves the users from the database based on the provided IDs, and the batch result handler extracts the user data for the specific post.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    import Ecto.Query
    import Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers
    alias App.Accounts.User
    object :post do
      field :user, non_null(:user) do
        resolve fn post, _args, _resolution ->
          batch({__MODULE__, :list_users_by_ids, User}, post.user_id, fn batch_results ->
            {:ok, Map.get(batch_results, post.user_id)}
    def list_users_by_ids(_model, user_ids) do
      users = App.Repo.all from u in User, where: u.id in ^user_ids
      Map.new(users, fn user -> {user.id, user} end)

    Document the schema

    There is a lot of talk about how GraphQL is self-documenting. I agree with that statement to some degree. Objects/fields named, for example, "CreatePostInput", "Id" or even "DeletePost" don't need documentation, they are self-explanatory. But sometimes the name alone is not enough, to add a description to a given field/object we have to use @desc, just put it above the given field or object.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    @desc "This is a user"
    object :user do
      @desc "This is the user's id"
      field :id, non_null(:id)


    GraphQL enums provide a way to define a set of named values for a field. Enums are useful when you want to restrict a field to a predefined set of options, ensuring that only specific values are allowed. To create an enum, we have to use the enum macro, and to define possible values, the value macro. The value macro can accept the as option that will provide custom value mapping.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    @desc "You can describe enums as well"
    enum :post_type do
      value :announcement
      value :advertisement
      value :tutorial, as: "GUIDE"

    Enums are used just like normal types.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    object :post do
      field :type, :post_type

    How to properly structure the app (the Absinthe part)

    This part of the guide is very opinionated. You probably noticed that I've placed all the Absinthe-related files under the lib/app_web/graphql path. As with the router, I want to separate everything GraphQL-related in case we have to expand the app in some other manner.

    I will present you with two different but very similar structures. Choose what fits you the most:

    1. In the first structure, we will group everything on the operation level. It means that all resolvers will be in the resolvers folder, all mutations will be in the mutations folder, etc. Then we will create a folder for every context inside.
    1. The second structure is similar but doesn't separate everything on the operation level. Instead, everything is separated on the context level, e.g., the blog is a parent folder for all types, mutations, etc. for a given resource in this context.

    The relocation of code and the import of types

    To start with the moving out part, we have to use the Absinthe.Schema.Notation module. This module allows us to use the same DSL as in the schema.


    Let's start with types, use the notation, and just copy the type objects.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex
    # lib/app_web/graphql/operations/blog/post/post_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      object :post do

    Instead of importing everything in the schema let's create a new module where we will import all the types.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types.ex
    # lib/app_web/graphql/operations/types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Types do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      # Blog
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes

    And import the types from the module above in the schema.

    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.Types


    Resolvers are just normal Elixir functions, so just copy these to the new place.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/blog/post_resolvers.ex
    # lib/app_web/graphql/operations/blog/post/post_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers do
      alias App.Blog
      alias App.Blog.Post
      def get_post(%{id: id}, _) do
        case Blog.get_post(id) do
          %Post{} = post -> {:ok, post}
          _ -> {:error, :not_found}


    To move out queries, mutations, and subscriptions we have to wrap these fields in an object. In this example I have named the objects :post_queries, :post_mutations, and :post_subscriptions.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/(queries|mutations|subscriptions)/blog/post_queries.ex
    # lib/app_web/graphql/operations/blog/post/post_queries.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostQueries do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers
      object :post_queries do
        field :get_post, non_null(:post) do
          arg :id, non_null(:id)
          resolve &PostResolvers.get_post/2

    As with the types, let's create files where we import these operations.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/queries.ex
    # lib/app_web/graphql/operations/queries.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Queries do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      # Blog
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostQueries

    And import the types from these modules. Additionally, we have to import fields from these types to corresponding do-blocks.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.Queries
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.Mutations
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.Subscriptions
      query do
        import_fields :post_queries
      mutation do
        import_fields :post_mutations
      subscription do
        import_fields :post_subscriptions

    Handle changeset errors

    Unfortunately, Absinthe does not come with changeset error handling by default. The documentation suggests handling the errors with the Absinthe ErrorPayload library. I don't think it is the best idea. The main point I have against it is that it does not align with the GraphQL specification. Instead of returning errors under the errors key, it creates its way of handling errors and the returned data with payloads. Errors are under the messages key for some reason. So instead of using this library, we will create our changeset error handling with middleware.

    What is middleware?

    In Absinthe, middlewares are modules that allow you to intercept and modify the execution of a GraphQL field at various stages of the processing. Middleware provides a way to add custom logic, validation, or any other behavior to the execution of a GraphQL operation. These are applied in sequential order, allowing you to customize the handling of requests in a modular and composable manner.

    Note: The resolve macro is a middleware under the hood.

    Let's handle the errors with our first middleware

    Absinthe provides us with the Absinthe.Middleware behavior. The behavior requires only one function - call. The first argument is a resolution, and the second is options that we can provide to the middleware. The function has to return the resolution, so a middleware is just a function that manipulates a resolution.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/middleware/handle_changeset_errors.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Middleware.HandleChangesetErrors do
      alias Ecto.Changeset
      @behaviour Absinthe.Middleware
      def call(resolution, _opts) do
          | errors:
              Enum.flat_map(resolution.errors, fn
                %Changeset{} = changeset -> handle_changeset(changeset)
                error -> [error]
      defp handle_changeset(%{valid?: true}), do: []
      defp handle_changeset(changeset) do
        |> Changeset.traverse_errors(&put_message_into_changeset_error/1)
        |> Enum.flat_map(fn {field, errors} ->
          format_changeset_errors([field], errors)
      defp format_changeset_errors(path, errors) do
        Enum.flat_map(errors, fn
          %{message: message, validation: validation} ->
                message: message,
                details: %{
                  code: :validation_failed,
                  validation: to_string(validation),
                  field: Enum.reverse(path)
          %{message: message, constraint: constraint} ->
                message: message,
                details: %{
                  code: :validation_failed,
                  constraint: to_string(constraint),
                  field: Enum.reverse(path)
          {:message, message} when is_binary(message) ->
                message: Gettext.gettext(AppWeb.Gettext, message),
                details: %{
                  code: :validation_failed,
                  field: Enum.reverse(path)
          %{message: message} when is_binary(message) ->
                message: message,
                details: %{
                  code: :validation_failed,
                  field: Enum.reverse(path)
          # Handle multiple errors
          {field, errors} when is_map(errors) or is_list(errors) ->
            format_changeset_errors([field | path], errors)
          # Handle nested changeset errors
          error when is_map(error) ->
            format_changeset_errors(path, error)
      defp put_message_into_changeset_error({msg, opts}) do
        translated_message = Gettext.dgettext(AppWeb.Gettext, "errors", msg, opts)
        Enum.into(opts, %{message: translated_message})

    Note: I will not focus on what the middleware is doing in detail, this is not the point of this guide.

    As you can see the middleware manipulates the errors in the resolution, so we have to return the changeset errors from the resolver function.

    def create_post(args, _resolution) do
      # Change args in some way
      with {:ok, %Post{} = post} <- Blog.create_post(args) do
        # Do anything else
        {:ok, post}
      # This will return changeset errors

    Using middleware per operation

    One of the ways to use our middleware is to use the middleware macro. The macro can be used at any point inside the field macro's do-block. As our middleware takes in the result from the resolver and transforms it, we have to put the macro after the resolve macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/mutations/blog/post_mutations.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostMutations do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Middleware.HandleChangesetErrors
      object :post_mutations do
        field :create_post, non_null(:post) do
          arg :input, non_null(:create_post_input)
          resolve &PostResolvers.create_post/2
          middleware HandleChangesetErrors


    Using middlewares globally

    Instead of adding the middleware to every possible mutation, which can become annoying. We can set up global middleware for mutations only. We have to define the middleware function in the schema definition. The third argument contains information about an object that is being evaluated, so we can pattern match against it and only add our middleware for mutations. We are adding our middleware at the end, which ensures that the resolver was called earlier.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Middleware.HandleChangesetErrors
      def middleware(middleware, _field, %{identifier: :mutation}) do
        middleware ++ [HandleChangesetErrors]
      def middleware(middleware, _field, _object) do


    In GraphQL, subscriptions are a feature that allows clients to receive real-time updates from the server when specific events occur. While traditional GraphQL queries and mutations are used for request-response patterns, subscriptions enable a persistent connection between the GraphQL client and the server, allowing for asynchronous communication.

    Configure the app to handle subscriptions

    To get started, we first have to add some new dependencies.

    # mix.exs
    defp deps do
        {:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 2.0"},
        {:absinthe_phoenix, "~> 2.0.2"}

    If Pubsub is currently not configured, we have to configure it.

    # config/config.exs
    config :app, AppWeb.Endpoint,
      pubsub_server: App.PubSub

    The next thing on the list is to add the App.Pubsub and Absinthe.Subscription modules to the children list of the start function.

    # lib/app/application.ex
    defmodule App.Application do
      def start(_type, _args) do
        children = [
          {Phoenix.PubSub, name: App.PubSub},
          # ↓ Have to be after pubsub and endpoint
          {Absinthe.Subscription, AppWeb.Endpoint}

    And last but not least we have to update our endpoint to use Absinthe.Phoenix.Endpoint.

    # lib/app_web/endpoint.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.Endpoint do
      use Phoenix.Framework, opt_app: :app
      use Absinthe.Phoenix.Endpoint

    Create and configure user_socket

    Absinthe subscription requires sockets to work. So let's create one:

    mix phx.gen.socket User

    Add the generated socket to the endpoint.

    # lib/app_web/endpoint.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.Endpoint do
      socket "/api/graphql", AppWeb.UserSocket,
        websocket: true,
        longpoll: false

    And update our socket to use Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket.

    # lib/app_web/channels/user_socket.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.UserSocket do
      use Phoenix.Socket
      use Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket,
        schema: AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema

    Update GraphiQL

    If you are using GraphiQL, you have to update the GraphQL router.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/router.ex
    if Application.compile_env(:app, :dev_routes) do
      forward "/graphiql",
        to: Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
        init_opts: [
          schema: AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema,
          socket: AppWeb.UserSocket,
          socket_url: "ws://localhost:4000/api/graphql",
          interface: :playground

    Create the first subscription

    To create a subscription, we must define a field inside the do-block of the subscription macro. As with every field, we can add arguments, middleware, and resolvers. The difference is that the subscription fields require the config and trigger macros. Each of these macros has to take a function that will return a topic of a subscription. Topics are used to filter and route subscription events based on given criteria.

    Note: I will follow the same structure as for mutations and queries.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/subscriptions/blog/post_subscriptions.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostSubscriptions do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      object :post_subscriptions do
        field :post_created, non_null(:post) do
          config fn _args, _resolution ->
            {:ok, topic: "post_created"}
          trigger :create_post, topic: fn _ -> "post_created" end

    Let's break down the example above:

    • field :post_created, non_null(:post) do defines a GraphQL field named "PostCreated" with a return type of non-nullable :post.
    • config fn _args, _resolution -> {:ok, topic: "post_created"} end this function sets the topic for the subscription.
    • trigger :create_post, topic: fn _ -> "post_created", defines a trigger for a given mutation, in this case, the subscription will be triggered after the :create_post mutation. The second argument is a function that returns topics, to return multiple topics return a list.

    Note: Subscriptions have a default resolve function that will just return what is provided through the event, e.g., resolve fn post, _, _-> {:ok, post} end.

    Note: Remember to import subscriptions in the schema.


    Publish a subscription outside of the schema

    Absinthe gives us a way to trigger a subscription outside the schema, without the usage of the trigger macro. The publish function takes 3 arguments:

    1. pubsub, we are using Absinthe with Phoenix, so in our case, we have to provide the endpoint.
    2. data that will be provided to the resolve function of the subscription.
    3. keyword list where the key is the name of a field and the value is a topic.
    Absinthe.Subscription.publish(AppWeb.Endpoint, post, post_created: "post_created")

    Dynamic subscription topics

    Subscriptions are just normal fields, so we can provide arguments to them. Based on these arguments we can create dynamic topics.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/subscriptions/blog/post_subscriptions.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostSubscriptions do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      object :post_subscriptions do
        field :post_created, non_null(:post) do
          arg :user_id, :id
          config fn args, _resolution ->
            case args do
              %{user_id: user_id} ->
                {:ok, topic: "post_created:#{user_id}"}
              _ ->
                {:ok, topic: "post_created"}
          trigger :create_post, topic: fn %{user_id: user_id} ->
            ["post_created", "post_created:#{user_id}"]


    Tests. Sadly, we have to test. The documentation outlines three different approaches:

    1. testing resolver functions.
    2. testing GraphQL document execution using the Absinthe.run function.
    3. testing the full HTTP request/response cycle.

    I will focus on the third approach, recommended by the documentation because it exercises more of your application.

    Create a helper function to post GraphQL requests

    We can get started with testing right away, but I think it's better to create a helper that will help us with boilerplate code. Let's create a module that will contain all of our GraphQL helpers in the future.

    The first helper function that will help us along is a function that will post a given query, and return a parsed JSON response. As you can see, the gql_post function has a response argument that defaults to 200. GraphQL returns 200 even when the query returns an error. The argument is here to handle the rare cases where the response will contain any other HTTP status.

    # test/support/helpers/graphql_helpers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQlHelpers do
      import Phoenix.ConnTest
      import Plug.Conn
      # Required by the post function from Phoenix.ConnTest
      @endpoint AppWeb.Endpoint
      def gql_post(options, response \\ 200) do
        |> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
        |> post("/api/graphql", options)
        |> json_response(response)

    Create GraphQL test case

    Let's create a new ExUnit test case for the GraphQL tests.

    # test/support/graphql_case.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQlCase do
      use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
      using do
        quote do
          use AppWeb.ConnCase
          import AppWeb.GraphQlHelpers

    Test the queries

    Testing the GraphQL queries is very similar to just testing controllers. You send a request to the server and get a response with data. The next step is to check if the returned data is what you want, and that's it. The only difference is that you have to provide a query in the query key and variables to that query in the variables key.

    # test/app_web/graphql/queries/blog/post_queries_test.exs
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostQueriesTest do
      use AppWeb.GraphQlCase
      alias App.BlogFixtures
      describe "get_post" do
        @get_post """
        query($id: ID!) {
          getPost(id: $id) {
        test "returns post when found" do
          post = BlogFixtures.post_fixture()
          assert %{
                   "data" => %{
                     "getPost" => %{
                       "id" => to_string(post.id),
                       "title" => post.title
                 } ==
                     query: @get_post,
                     variables: %{"id" => post.id}
        test "returns 'not_found' error when missing" do
          assert %{
                   "data" => nil,
                   "errors" => [%{"message" => "not_found"}]
                 } =
                     query: @get_post,
                     variables: %{"id" => -1}

    Test the mutations

    Testing the mutations works the same as for queries.

    # test/app_web/graphql/mutations/blog/post_mutations_test.exs
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostMutationsTest do
      use AppWeb.GraphQlCase
      alias App.AccountsFixtures
      describe "create_post" do
        @create_post """
        mutation($input: CreatePostInput!) {
          createPost(input: $input) {
        test "creates post when input is valid" do
          user = AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
          variables = %{
            "input" => %{
              "title" => "valid title",
              "userId" => user.id
          assert %{
                   "data" => %{
                     "createPost" => %{
                       "id" => _,
                       "title" => "valid title",
                       "userId" => user_id
                 } =
                     query: @create_post,
                     variables: variables
          assert to_string(user.id) == user_id
        test "returns error when input is invalid" do
          user = AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
          variables = %{
            "input" => %{
              "title" => "bad",
              "userId" => user.id
          assert %{
                   "data" => nil,
                   "errors" => [
                       "message" => "should be at least 4 character(s)",
                       "details" => %{"field" => ["title"]}
                 } =
                     query: @create_post,
                     variables: variables

    Create GraphQL Subscription test case

    Testing the subscription is different than testing queries or mutations. We have to create a socket, subscribe to a subscription, trigger the subscription, with mutation, and lastly check if the subscription returns what we want.

    As with normal tests for GraphQL queries, let's create some helpers that will aid us. One for creating a socket, one for subscribing, and one for closing a socket. We don't need to create a new module for the helpers. We can define them right in the new ExUnit test case for subscriptions.

    Note: The test will close a socket automatically but we can do the same by hand.

    The channel test case isn't present by default, so we must create it first.

    # test/support/channel_case.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.ChannelCase do
      use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
      using do
        quote do
          # Import conveniences for testing with channels
          import Phoenix.ChannelTest
          import AppWeb.ChannelCase
          # The default endpoint for testing
          @endpoint AppWeb.Endpoint
      setup tags do

    And now it's time for the subscription case.

    # test/support/subscription_case.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.SubscriptionCase do
      use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
      alias Absinthe.Phoenix.SubscriptionTest
      alias Phoenix.ChannelTest
      alias Phoenix.Socket
      require Phoenix.ChannelTest
      using do
        quote do
          use AppWeb.ChannelCase
          use Absinthe.Phoenix.SubscriptionTest, schema: AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema
          import AppWeb.GraphQlHelpers
          defp create_socket(params \\ %{}) do
            {:ok, socket} = ChannelTest.connect(AppWeb.UserSocket, params)
            {:ok, socket} = SubscriptionTest.join_absinthe(socket)
          defp subscribe(socket, query, options \\ []) do
            ref = push_doc(socket, query, options)
            assert_reply(ref, :ok, %{subscriptionId: subscription_id})
          defp close_socket(%Socket{} = socket) do
            # Socket will be closed automatically but we can do it manually
            # It's useful when we want to test, for example, users with different roles in a loop

    Test the subscriptions

    Now let's create the tests. I have added some comments that will explain the code.

    # test/app_web/graphql/subscriptions/blog/post_subscriptions_test.exs
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostSubscriptionsTest do
      use AppWeb.SubscriptionCase
      alias App.AccountsFixtures
      describe "post_created" do
        @create_post """
        mutation($input: CreatePostInput!) {
          createPost(input: $input) {
        @post_created """
        subscription($userId: ID) {
          postCreated(userId: $userId) {
        test "returns post when created" do
          socket = create_socket()
          # Subscribe to a post creation
          subscription_id = subscribe(socket, @post_created)
          user = AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
          post_params = %{title: "valid title", user_id: user.id}
          # Trigger the subscription by creating a post
            query: @create_post,
            variables: %{"input" => post_params}
          # Check if something has been pushed to the given subscription
          assert_push "subscription:data", %{result: result, subscriptionId: ^subscription_id}
          # Pattern match the result
          assert %{
                   data: %{
                     "postCreated" => %{
                       "id" => _,
                       "title" => title
                 } = result
          assert post_params.title == title
          # Ensure that no other pushes were sent
          refute_push "subscription:data", %{}
        test "returns user when created with provided user id" do
          socket = create_socket()
          user_one = AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
          subscription_id = subscribe(socket, @post_created, variables: %{"userId" => user_one.id})
            query: @create_post,
            variables: %{"input" => %{title: "valid title", user_id: user_one.id}}
          assert_push "subscription:data", %{result: result, subscriptionId: ^subscription_id}
          assert %{
                   data: %{
                     "postCreated" => %{
                       "id" => _,
                       "title" => "valid title"
                 } = result
          # Ensure that no other pushes were sent
          refute_push "subscription:data", %{}
          user_two = AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
            query: @create_post,
            variables: %{"input" => %{title: "valid title", user_id: user_two.id}}
          # Ensure that no pushes were sent
          refute_push "subscription:data", %{}

    Simple cursor pagination with Paginator

    As we already have the basics covered, it's time to expand the app with new features. The first thing I want to show you is how easy it is to extend GraphQL APIs with Absinthe. So let's implement cursor pagination with Paginator. Firstly, add the library to the dependencies list:

    # mix.exs
    def deps do
        {:paginator, "~> 1.2.0"}

    Update the App.Repo with the Paginator, as we would do with all Phoenix applications.

    # lib/app/repo.ex
    defmodule App.Repo do
      use Ecto.Repo,
        otp_app: :app,
        adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
      use Paginator

    Create a new context function that will paginate posts.

    # lib/app/blog.ex
    defmodule App.Blog do
      def paginate_posts(pagination \\ %{}) do
        repo_pagination =
          |> Enum.into(Keyword.new())
          |> Keyword.put_new(:limit, 20)
          |> Keyword.put(:cursor_fields, [:inserted_at, :id])
        Repo.paginate(Post, repo_pagination)

    The next step is to create types for pagination. I have taken these types from the Paginator's documentation: metadata, and input.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/pagination_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.PaginationTypes do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      object :pagination_metadata do
        field :after, :string
        field :before, :string
        field :limit, :integer
        field :total_count, :integer
        field :total_count_cap_exceeded, :boolean
      input_object :pagination_input do
        field :after, :string
        field :before, :string
        field :limit, :integer
        field :include_total_count, :boolean

    Import the pagination types in the schema.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.PaginationTypes

    Add type for paginating the posts.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      object :post_pagination do
        field :entries, list_of(:post)
        field :metadata, :pagination_metadata

    As with all the queries and mutations add a resolver.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/blog/post_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers do
      alias App.Blog
      def paginate_posts(args, _resolution) do
        pagination = Map.get(args, :pagination, %{})
        {:ok, Blog.paginate_posts(pagination)}

    And at last, create the query.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/queries/blog/post_queries.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostQueries do
      use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers
      object :post_queries do
        field :paginate_posts, :post_pagination do
          arg :pagination, non_null(:pagination_input)
          resolve &PostResolvers.paginate_posts/2

    That's it, the pagination works. As you can see extending the schema with new features is easy and predictable.



    Dataloader is a utility that helps to efficiently batch and cache database queries when resolving GraphQL fields that involve fetching related data. It addresses the N+1 problem by consolidating multiple database queries into a single batch query, reducing the number of database round-trips and improving performance. We will replace the batch function with the Dataloader.

    # mix.exs
    def deps do
        {:dataloader, "~> 2.0.0"},

    Create a generic data source

    The idea is to create different data sources for each way of loading data. Firstly, let's create a generic data source that will just fetch requested data without any filtering, ordering, or anything. To create a data source, we have to define a function that will create a new Ecto Dataloader source. To the source, we have to provide a repo and a query function. The query function has to return a query and will load our data, so if you want to add some filtering, add it here.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema/basic_data_source.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.BasicDataSource do
      def source do
        Dataloader.Ecto.new(App.Repo, query: &query/2)
      def query(queryable, _params) do

    What is a context?

    Before we continue, we have to learn about the context of the resolution. The context is shared data available during the resolution logic of a GraphQL operation. The context object is typically used in resolver functions or middleware to for example handle authorization. The most common thing that you will find in context is a currently logged-in user, which will be probably used for auth.

    Configure the schema to use Dataloader

    We have to extend our schema to handle the Dataloader. Absinthe library comes with the Dataloader plugin and middleware. Let's add the plugin with the plugins function. Plugins are modules that run before and after resolution of the entire document. The next thing is that we have to implement the context function that will add the dataloader to the resolution's context. In the function, we have to create a new dataloader and add new sources using the add_sources function, where the second argument is the name of a source and the third is the source.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.BasicDataSource
      def context(context) do
        loader =
          |> Dataloader.add_source(:basic, BasicDataSource.source())
        Map.put(context, :loader, loader)
      def plugins do
        [Absinthe.Middleware.Dataloader] ++ Absinthe.Plugin.defaults()

    Create a macro to import the helpers

    The Absinthe library comes with the Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers module that contains some helpers, e.g., batch, and dataloader. So let's create a macro that will import these for us.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema/type.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type do
      defmacro __using__(_opts) do
        quote do
          use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
          import Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers

    Use the dataloader in the schema

    Using the dataloader is very simple, invoke the dataloader helper with a matching source name as a resolver and that's it.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      object :post do
        field :user, non_null(:user), resolve: dataloader(:basic)

    Create a custom data source with filtering

    Let's create a data source that will only fetch posts with "title-2" as a title. We have to return a query so we will use Ecto.Query for this.

    # lib/app/blog/post/post_data_source.ex
    defmodule App.Blog.PostDataSource do
      import Ecto.Query
      alias App.Blog.Post
      def source do
        Dataloader.Ecto.new(App.Repo, query: &query/2)
      def query(Post, _params) do
        from p in Post, where: p.title == "title-2"
      # Fallback to default
      def query(queryable, _params) do

    Add the data source, with App.Blog.Post as the name.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      alias App.Blog
      def context(context) do
        loader =
          |> Dataloader.add_source(:basic, BasicDataSource.source())
          |> Dataloader.add_source(Blog.Post, Blog.PostDataSource.source())
        Map.put(context, :loader, loader)

    Update the user's schema.

    # lib/app/accounts/user.ex
    schema "users" do
      has_many :posts, App.Blog.Post

    And use the dataloader with a matching name.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/accounts/user_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTypes do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      alias App.Blog.Post
      object :user do
        field :posts, list_of(:post), resolve: dataloader(Post)



    Without batching or the Dataloader, we were fetching a user for each post separately. Which resulted in the N+1 problem as presented below.

    [debug] QUERY OK source="posts" db=0.5ms idle=962.5ms
    SELECT b0."id", b0."title", b0."user_id", b0."inserted_at", b0."updated_at" FROM "posts" AS b0 []
    ↳ AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers.list_posts/2, at: lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/blog/post_resolvers.ex:18
    [debug] QUERY OK source="users" db=0.1ms idle=963.1ms
    SELECT a0."id", a0."email", a0."avatar", a0."inserted_at", a0."updated_at" FROM "users" AS a0 WHERE (a0."id" = $1) [1]
    ↳ anonymous fn/3 in AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes.__absinthe_function__/2, at: lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex:14
    [debug] QUERY OK source="users" db=0.1ms idle=963.3ms
    SELECT a0."id", a0."email", a0."avatar", a0."inserted_at", a0."updated_at" FROM "users" AS a0 WHERE (a0."id" = $1) [1]
    ↳ anonymous fn/3 in AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes.__absinthe_function__/2, at: lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex:14
    [debug] QUERY OK source="users" db=0.1ms idle=963.5ms
    SELECT a0."id", a0."email", a0."avatar", a0."inserted_at", a0."updated_at" FROM "users" AS a0 WHERE (a0."id" = $1) [1]
    ↳ anonymous fn/3 in AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes.__absinthe_function__/2, at: lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex:14

    With batching or the Dataloader, there are only two SQL queries. One to list posts and one to fetch all needed users.

    [debug] QUERY OK source="posts" db=2.6ms idle=217.0ms
    SELECT b0."id", b0."title", b0."user_id", b0."inserted_at", b0."updated_at" FROM "posts" AS b0 []
    ↳ AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers.list_posts/2, at: lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/blog/post_resolvers.ex:18
    [debug] QUERY OK source="users" db=0.6ms queue=0.5ms idle=222.6ms
    SELECT a0."id", a0."email", a0."avatar", a0."inserted_at", a0."updated_at", a0."id" FROM "users" AS a0 WHERE (a0."id" = ANY($1)) [[1, 4, 3, 2]]
    ↳ Dataloader.Source.Dataloader.Ecto.run_batch/2, at: lib/dataloader/ecto.ex:703


    Relay is a set of conventions and specifications for building data-driven apps, developed by Facebook. It provides guidelines and best practices for structuring GraphQL schemas and implementing data fetching patterns in a way that is optimized for performance and usability.

    The first thing is to add the required dependency.

    # mix.exs
    defp deps do
        {:absinthe_relay, "~> 1.5.0"},

    The next thing is to update our schema to use the Absinthe.Relay.Schema module. The module requires providing :modern (targeting Relay > v1.0) or :classic (targeting Relay < v1.0) option. In this tutorial, I will focus on the modern version.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      use Absinthe.Schema
      use Absinthe.Relay.Schema, :modern

    And let's update our notation macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema/type.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type do
      defmacro __using__(_opts) do
        quote do
          use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
          use Absinthe.Relay.Schema.Notation, :modern
          import Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers


    Relay defines a Node interface that objects in the schema can implement to ensure they have a globally unique identifier. The Node interface provides a way to fetch individual objects by their global ID, making it easy to reference and fetch objects across different parts of the application.

    Define node interface

    Creating global IDs by hand will be very troublesome and Absinthe's authors know that, so they implemented the node interface that will automatically assign global IDs to the resources. This interface will pattern-match given resources and construct a global ID, for example, "Post:1".

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      alias App.Blog.Post
      alias App.Accounts.User
      node interface do
        resolve_type fn
          %Post{}, _ -> :post
          %User{}, _ -> :user
          _, _ -> nil

    Note: Absinthe allows to create custom global ID translators.

    Update types to use the node macro

    Now, we have to update all the objects for which we want to use the global ID, so basically, every object that has an ID. To do so we have to provide the node macro as a prefix to the object macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex
    # Add node macro before object
    node object(:post) do
      # Remove id field
      # field :id, non_null(:id)


    Create the node field

    The node field provides a unified query to fetch an object based on a global ID. To create such a query, we have to create a field with the node macro that is prefixed before the field macro. As you can see, in the resolver, I'm matching the type with the values provided in the node interface.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    query do
      node field do
        resolve fn
          %{type: :user, id: id}, _ ->
            {:ok, App.Accounts.get_user(id)}
          %{type: :post, id: id}, _ ->
            {:ok, App.Blog.get_post(id)}
          _, _ ->
            {:error, :invalid_global_id}


    Convert global IDs to internal ones

    When using global IDs with normal fields the IDs are not converted automatically but Absinthe provides some ways to do it manually. The first one is the ParseIDs middleware. Let's add it to our notation macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema/type.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type do
      defmacro __using__(_opts) do
        quote do
          alias Absinthe.Relay.Node.ParseIDs

    To use the macro, we have to provide a keyword list. You can imagine this keyword list is a path to a given ID with a type at the end, e.g.,

    • [user_id: :user] - the user_id field is a :user type
    field :create_post, type: non_null(:post) do
      arg :user_id, non_null(:id)
      middleware ParseIDs, user_id: :user
    • [input: [user_id: :user]] - the user_id is contained in the input object and the user_id is a :user type
    input_object :post_input do
      field :user_id, non_null(:id)
    field :create_post, type: non_null(:post) do
      arg :input, non_null(:post_input)
      middleware ParseIDs, input: [user_id: :user]

    Note: To provide multiple types use a list user_id: [:user, :admin]

    During testing, the ParseIDs middleware is not useful, so instead use the from_global_id function. Provide a global ID to the first argument and the schema to the second. It is recommended to pattern-match the result to make sure that the given ID is of the correct type.

    alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema
    {:ok, %{id: id, type: :user}} = Absinthe.Relay.Node.from_global_id(global_id, Schema)

    Convert internal IDs to global ones

    But what if I want to convert a numerical ID to a global one? Use the to_global_id function. To the first argument provide a type, to the second the id, and the third the schema.

    alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema
    user = AccountsFixutures.user_fixture()
    global_id = Absinthe.Relay.Node.to_global_id("User", user.id, Schema)


    Relay defines conventions for structuring mutations in a schema, including input types, output types, and payload fields. Mutations follow a standardized pattern that allows clients to update data in the GraphQL server and receive consistent responses.

    Update mutations to use Relay's convention

    Let's take a look at the anatomy of Relay's mutations:

    • payload macro put it as a prefix to the field macro, and remove the type from the field.
    • input macro, instead of using args to define an input, use the input macro. It will create a GraphQL type named, e.g., “CreatePostInput". In the resolver we don't have to pattern match on an input key, the arguments will be "unpacked".
    • output macro, instead of defining an output in the field macro, use the output macro. It will create a GraphQL type named, e.g., “CreatePostPayload”. We have to update the resolver to return, e.g., post like that {:ok, %{post: post}} instead of {:ok, post}.
    # lib/app_web/graphql/mutations/blog/post_mutations.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostMutations do
      object :post_mutations do
        # Add `payload` macro before `field`
        payload field :create_post do
          # Replace `args` with `input` macro
          input do
            field :title, non_null(:string)
            field :user_id, non_null(:id)
          # Remove `type: :post` from the `field` and add `output` macro inside of the mutation
          output do
            field :post, non_null(:post)
          middleware ParseIDs, user_id: :user
          resolve &PostResolvers.create_post/2

    The Relay convention forces mutations to have a predictable structure, a single required input, and an expected output.

    mutation CreatePost($input: CreatePostInput!) {
      createPost(input: $input) {
        post {

    Note: Remember to update subscriptions and tests to handle new output.


    In Relay, connections are a concept for paginating through lists of data in a schema. The connections provide a standardized and efficient way to navigate through large datasets with cursor-based pagination.

    We will replace the Paginator library with the connections. Remove the library and all the code related to it.

    Using connections to handle pagination

    The first thing is to create a context function that will handle the pagination. The Absinthe Relay library provides us with the from_query function where we provide, a query that will list requested data, repo function, and pagination arguments. The query has to be ordered by something.

    # lib/app/blog.ex
    defmodule App.Blog do
      alias Absinthe.Relay.Connection
      def paginate_posts(args) do
        query = from p in Post, order_by: [desc: p.inserted_at]
        Connection.from_query(query, &Repo.all/1, args)

    Using the connection macro let's define the connection type. This will create a connection and edge types for a given node type.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      connection(node_type: :post)

    Create a resolver function.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/blog/post_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers do
      def paginate_posts(args, _resolution) do

    And add a connection field. Using the connection macro as a prefix to the field macro.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/queries/blog/post_queries.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostQueries do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers
      object :post_queries do
        connection field :paginate_posts, node_type: :post do
          resolve &PostResolvers.paginate_posts/2


    Custom scalars

    The Absinthe library allows us to simply create new scalars. We have to use the scalar macro and use the serialize and parse macros inside. The first one will run on the outgoing data and the second one on the incoming data. Let's create a new module for the new scalars:

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/scalar_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.ScalarTypes do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      @desc "Scalar's description"
      scalar :custom_title, name: "Title" do
        serialize fn
          nil ->
          title ->
            "Custom #{title}"
        parse fn
          "Custom " <> title ->
          title ->

    And import types from the module in the schema definition.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      import_types AppWeb.GraphQl.ScalarTypes

    Upload a file

    If you need to upload a file, the Absinthe library has your back because it has built-in support for uploading files with Plug. We will implement the upload with the Waffle library.

    Install and configure Waffle

    Let's start with installing and configuring the Waffle library. Add new dependencies:

    # mix.exs
    defp deps do
        {:waffle, "~> 1.1"},
        {:waffle_ecto, "~> 0.0.12"}

    Configure the app's endpoint to expose uploaded data.

    # lib/app_web/endpoint.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.Endpoint do
      # Add after first Plug.Static
      plug Plug.Static, at: "/uploads", from: Path.expand(~c"./uploads"), gzip: false

    In the tutorial, I will only configure the local storage for the development...

    # config/dev.exs
    config :waffle,
      storage: Waffle.Storage.Local,
      root_path: "uploads",
      asset_host: "http://localhost:4000"

    ...and test environments.

    # config/test.exs
    config :waffle,
      storage: Waffle.Storage.Local,
      root_path: "uploads/tests",
      asset_host: "http://localhost"

    Create Waffle uploader

    Use the mix waffle.g image_file command to generate a new uploader and configure the uploader to generically handle image files.

    # lib/app_web/uploaders/image_file.ex
    defmodule App.Uploaders.ImageFile do
      use Waffle.Definition
      use Waffle.Ecto.Definition
      @versions [:original]
      @allowed_extensions ~w(.jpg .jpeg .gif .png .webp)
      def validate({file, _}) do
        file_extension = file.file_name |> Path.extname() |> String.downcase()
        if Enum.member?(@allowed_extensions, file_extension) do
          {:error, Gettext.dgettext(AppWeb.Gettext, "errors", "invalid file type")}
      def storage_dir(_version, {_file, _scope}) do
        get_root_path() <> "/images"
      def get_root_path do
        Application.get_env(:waffle, :root_path)

    Add the image column to the "posts" table and the image field to the post's schema

    # lib/app/accounts/post.ex
    alias App.Uploaders.ImageFile
    use Waffle.Ecto.Schema
    schema "posts" do
      field :image, ImageFile.Type
    def changeset(post, attrs) do
      |> cast_attachments(attrs, [:image], allow_urls: true)

    Import upload type in the schema

    The Absinthe library has a built-in type to handle file uploads. Let's import the :upload type from the Absinthe.Plug.Types module.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/schema.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema do
      # Upload type
      import_types Absinthe.Plug.Types

    Update the types

    We want to return a URL to the file, so the return type has to be a string.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes do
      object :post do
        field :image, :string

    Update the mutation

    We have to use the imported :upload type in the input of a mutation.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/mutations/blog/post_mutations.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostMutations do
      payload field :create_post do
        input do
          field :image, :upload

    Test the mutations using cURL

    Let's make use of the cURL and test the mutation with the following command.

    curl -X POST \
    -F query="mutation { createPost(input: {title: \"the title\", user_id: \"VXNlcjox\", image: \"image_png\"}) { post { id image title }}}" \
    -F image_png=@image.png \

    The mutation works but returns an error because the image uploader doesn't return a string with a URL, but instead a map with a filename.

    Create a scalar to handle files

    We have to create a scalar that will take care of the data that the image uploader returns.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/scalar_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.ScalarTypes do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      alias App.Uploaders.ImageFile
      @desc "A URL to a file"
      scalar :file, name: "File" do
        serialize fn
          nil ->
          %{file_name: file_name} = file ->
            ext = file_name |> Path.extname() |> String.downcase()
            if Enum.member?(@image_extensions, ext) do

    And use the :file scalar in the types.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/blog/post_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostTypes do
      object :post do
        field :image, :file

    Testing uploads

    Testing mutations using cURL every time we want to check if uploads work is nonsensical. So let's create some tests that will do the job for us.

    Remove the uploaded file after the tests

    The first thing we have to do is to configure the conn test case to delete uploaded files after the tests end. We don't want to flood our machines with unnecessary data.

    # test/support/conn_case.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.ConnCase do
      setup tags do
        on_exit(fn ->
          # Removing uploaded files
        {:ok, conn: Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn()}
      def get_root_path do
        Application.get_env(:waffle, :root_path)

    Do the upload

    We need a file to upload so let's create an empty file in test/support/images/sample-img.png. Uploading files in the tests works nearly the same as in cURL.

    1. Define input, where the value of the upload is the name of the file in the request body.
    2. Create a new map with the Plug.Upload.
    3. Add the map to the body of the request under the same key as defined in the input.
    post_params = %{
      title: "title-1",
      image: "image_png",
      user_id: "global_id"
    image = %Plug.Upload{
      content_type: "image/png",
      filename: "sample-img.png",
      path: "./test/support/images/sample-img.png"
      query: @create_post,
      variables: %{"input" => post_params},
      image_png: image

    Basic auth

    We created a user earlier, but it is still not the time to implement phx.gen.auth. For now, let's use the current infrastructure to demonstrate how to implement a simple authentication flow for our schema.

    Create a plug to fetch the current user

    When creating the auth for a rest API, we almost always create a plug to fetch the user using a token from a cookie or header. Here we will do the same, but for now, we will use the user's ID as a token. Never do this! Only for demonstration purposes.

    Let's create a new plug that will fetch a user and put the user in the context under a current_user key. The assign_context function will help us to assign values into the context.

    # lib/app_web/plugs/fetch_user_plug.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.FetchUserPlug do
      @behaviour Plug
      import Plug.Conn
      alias App.Accounts
      def init(opts), do: opts
      def call(conn, _opts) do
        with ["Bearer " <> user_id] <- get_req_header(conn, "authorization"),
             %Accounts.User{} = user <- Accounts.get_user(user_id) do
          Absinthe.Plug.assign_context(conn, :current_user, user)
          _user_id_missing_or_incorrect -> conn

    Use the plug in the GraphQL router.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/router.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Router do
      use Plug.Router
      alias AppWeb.FetchUserPlug
      plug :match
      plug FetchUserPlug
      plug :dispatch

    Fetch a user in the user socket

    We probably want to access the user in subscriptions, so let's update the user socket as well.

    # lib/app_web/channels/user_socket.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.UserSocket do
      use Phoenix.Socket
      use Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket,
        schema: AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema
      alias App.Accounts
      alias App.Accounts.User
      @impl true
      def connect(params, socket, _connect_info) do
        params = Map.new(params, fn {k, v} -> {String.downcase(k), v} end)
        socket =
          case current_user(params) do
            nil ->
            current_user ->
              |> assign(:current_user, current_user)
              |> Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket.put_options(context: %{current_user: current_user})
        {:ok, socket}
      defp current_user(%{"authorization" => "Bearer " <> token}) do
        with %User{} = user <- Accounts.get_user(token) do
      defp current_user(_), do: nil
      @impl true
      def id(%Phoenix.Socket{assigns: %{current_user: %{id: id}}}), do: "user:#{id}"
      def id(_socket), do: nil

    Use current user in resolvers

    At the start, we were providing the user's ID to the mutations in the input. Let's remove the user_id field from the inputs, and from now on, use the user that we have put into the context. Update resolvers to put the user_id into the args when available and return the "unauthorized" error when not.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/blog/post_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Blog.PostResolvers do
      def create_post(args, %{context: %{current_user: %{id: user_id}}}) do
        args = Map.put(args, :user_id, user_id)
        with {:ok, %Post{} = post} <- Blog.create_post(args) do
          {:ok, %{post: post}}
      def create_post(_args, _resolution) do
        {:error, :unauthorized}


    Add current user query

    Now is the time to create a query that will return a user that is currently logged in.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/queries/accounts/user_queries.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserQueries do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserResolvers
      object :user_queries do
        field :current_user, :user do
          resolve &UserResolvers.current_user/2

    Get the user from the context.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/accounts/user_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserResolvers do
      def current_user(_args, %{context: %{current_user: user}}) do
        {:ok, user}
      def current_user(_args, _resolution) do
        {:error, :unauthorized}

    Authenticate users with a middleware

    Instead of pattern-matching every resolver on the context. We can create two useful and simple middleware that will enforce the availability of the user.

    Authenticated middleware

    To create the Authenticated middleware we only need to check if a user is available in the context. When the user is not available we don't want to run the rest of the operation, we need to use the put_result helper function. The function will change the state of the resolution to :resolved.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/middleware/authenticated.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Middleware.Authenticated do
      @behaviour Absinthe.Middleware
      def call(%{context: %{current_user: %{id: _}}} = resolution, _config) do
      def call(resolution, _config) do
        Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:error, :unauthorized})

    Unauthenticated middleware

    The Unauthenticated middleware works the same as the Authenticated one. The only difference is that we don't want a user in the context.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/middleware/unauthenticated.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Middleware.Unauthenticated do
      @behaviour Absinthe.Middleware
      def call(%{context: %{current_user: %{id: _}}} = resolution, _config) do
        Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:error, :forbidden})
      def call(resolution, _config) do

    Add middleware to authorize a user

    The next step to the semi-full auth setup is to authorize a user against a resource.

    Load resource middleware

    If we want to authorize against a resource we have to load the resource into the context. I have created a middleware that will do that for us. The middleware handles getters that return nil as well as the ones that raise Ecto.NoResultsError. The middleware has 3 configurable options:

    • getter, a function that will load the resource, which is required.
    • id_path, a path to the ID of the resource in the arguments of an operation, defaults to [:id].
    • resource_key, a key under which the resource will be available. Useful when we want to load multiple resources, defaults to :resource.
    # lib/app_web/graphql/middleware/load_resource.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Middleware.LoadResource do
      @behaviour Absinthe.Middleware
      def call(%{state: :resolved} = resolution, _config), do: resolution
      def call(%{arguments: arguments, context: context} = resolution, config) do
        getter = config[:getter] || raise ArgumentError, ":getter is required"
        id_path = config[:id_path] || [:id]
        resource_key = config[:resource_key] || :resource
        id = get_in(arguments, id_path)
        getter_result =
          try do
            e in Ecto.NoResultsError -> e
        case getter_result do
          nil ->
            Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:error, :not_found})
          %Ecto.NoResultsError{} ->
            Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:error, :not_found})
          resource ->
              | context: Map.put(context, resource_key, resource)
      def call(resolution, _config), do: resolution

    Authorize middleware

    After we have loaded the resource into the context then we can finally authorize the resource. I have created a middleware that will handle this. The middleware requires the current user and resource to be present in the context. The middleware has 3 configurable options:

    • resource_key, a key under which a resource will be available. Useful when we want to authorize multiple resources, defaults to :resource.
    • type, a type of authorization, that allows expansion of the default authorize function, defaults to :owner.
    • auth_fn, a custom authorization function.
    # lib/app_web/graphql/middleware/authorize_resource.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Middleware.AuthorizeResource do
      @behaviour Absinthe.Middleware
      alias App.Accounts.User
      def call(%{state: :resolved} = resolution, _config), do: resolution
      def call(%{context: context} = resolution, config) do
        resource_key = config[:resource_key] || :resource
        auth_type = config[:type] || :owner
        auth_fn = config[:auth_fn] || (&authorize/3)
        resource = Map.get(context, resource_key)
        user = Map.get(context, :current_user)
        if run_auth(auth_fn, user, resource, auth_type) do
          Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(resolution, {:error, :unauthorized})
      def call(resolution, _config), do: resolution
      defp run_auth(auth_fn, user, resource, _type) when is_function(auth_fn, 2) do
        auth_fn.(user, resource)
      defp run_auth(auth_fn, user, resource, type) when is_function(auth_fn, 3) do
        auth_fn.(user, resource, type)
      defp run_auth(_auth_fn, _user, _resource, _type) do
        raise "Invalid authorization function"
      defp authorize(%User{id: user_id}, %{user_id: user_id}, :owner), do: true
      defp authorize(%User{id: user_id}, %User{id: user_id}, :owner), do: true
      defp authorize(_, _, _), do: false

    Note: Remember to add all of the new middleware to the notation macro.


    Example how to use all of the middleware together.

    # Mutation
    payload field :update_post do
      middleware Authenticated
      input do
        field :id, non_null(:id)
        field :title, non_null(:string)
      output do
        field :post, non_null(:post)
      middleware ParseIDs, id: :post
      middleware LoadResource, getter: &Blog.get_post!/1
      middleware AuthorizeResource
     resolve &PostResolvers.update_post/2
    # Resolver
    def update_post(args, %{context: %{resource: post}}) do
      with {:ok, post} <- Blog.update_post(post, args) do
        {:ok, %{post: post}}


    Update GraphQL test helpers to handle authentication

    Now it's time to test the authentication and authorization. So let's update the gql_post helper to handle that. In the code below, we add handling for a custom option named add_token_for. The option can take a user or a token. Next, we add a function that will handle putting the authorization header into the request.

    # test/support/helpers/graphql_helpers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQlHelpers do
      import Phoenix.ConnTest
      import Plug.Conn
      alias App.Accounts.User
      @endpoint AppWeb.Endpoint
      @spec gql_post(map(), integer()) :: map()
      def gql_post(options, response \\ 200) do
        post_options = Map.drop(options, [:add_token_for])
        |> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
        |> add_token_for_user(options)
        |> post("/api/graphql", post_options)
        |> json_response(response)
      @spec add_token_for_user(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
      defp add_token_for_user(conn, %{add_token_for: %User{} = user}) do
        put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Bearer #{user.id}")
      defp add_token_for_user(conn, %{add_token_for: token}) when is_binary(token) do
        put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Bearer #{token}")
      defp add_token_for_user(conn, _options), do: conn

    And that is it, now we can check if the auth works.

    user = AccountsFixtures.user_fixture()
      add_token_for: user,
      query: @query,
      variables: %{}

    Integrate phx.gen.auth with the Elixir app

    Now is the time to add true user sessions with phx.gen.auth. But firstly let's remove the current accounts context with tests and migration, and then run the command below.

    mix phx.gen.auth Accounts User users

    This command will create a lot of other code that we don't need, e.g., controllers, heex templates. Delete that too.

    Update fetch user plug

    Instead of fetching a user using an ID, now we have to use a session token. As we are here, add the token to the context, we will use it to log out the user.

    # lib/app_web/plugs/fetch_user_plug.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.FetchUserPlug do
      @behaviour Plug
      import Plug.Conn
      alias App.Accounts
      def init(opts), do: opts
      def call(conn, _opts) do
        with ["Bearer " <> token] <- get_req_header(conn, "authorization"),
             %Accounts.User{} = user <- Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(token) do
          Absinthe.Plug.assign_context(conn, current_user: user, token: token)
          _token_missing_or_incorrect -> conn

    Update fetch user in the user socket

    And again let's update the user socket too.

    # lib/app_web/channels/user_socket.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.UserSocket do
      defp current_user(%{"authorization" => "Bearer " <> token}) do
        with %User{} = user <- Accounts.get_user_by_session_token(token) do

    Register mutation

    Let's create a mutation to register a user.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/accounts/user_token_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenResolvers do
      alias App.Accounts
      alias App.Accounts.User
      def register(args, _resolution) do
        with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- Accounts.register_user(args) do
          {:ok, %{user: user}}
    # lib/app_web/graphql/mutations/accounts/user_token_mutations.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenMutations do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenResolvers
      object :user_token_mutations do
        @desc "Creates a new user"
        payload field :register do
          middleware Unauthenticated
          input do
            field :email, non_null(:string)
            field :password, non_null(:string)
          output do
            field :user, :user
          resolve &UserTokenResolvers.register/2


    Login mutation

    After a user creates an account, they can log in. So let's create the login mutation.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/types/accounts/user_token_types.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenTypes do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      node object(:user_token) do
        field :token, non_null(:string)
        field :user_id, non_null(:id)
        field :user, non_null(:user), resolve: dataloader(:basic)
    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/accounts/user_token_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenResolvers do
      alias App.Accounts
      alias App.Accounts.User
      alias App.Accounts.UserToken
      def login_user(%{email: email, password: password}, _resolution) do
        with %User{} = user <- Accounts.get_user_by_email_and_password(email, password),
             %UserToken{} = user_token <- Accounts.generate_user_session_token(user) do
          {:ok, %{user_token: user_token}}
          _ ->
            {:error, :invalid_credentials}

    We have to update two of the generated functions. In the generate_user_session_token function, we have to return the inserted data.

    # lib/app/accounts.ex
    def generate_user_session_token(user) do
      |> UserToken.build_session_token()
      |> Repo.insert!()

    In the second function, which is build_session_token we have to return a UserToken struct.

    # lib/app/accounts/user_token.ex
    def build_session_token(user) do
        token = @rand_size |> :crypto.strong_rand_bytes() |> Base.url_encode64(padding: false)
        %UserToken{token: token, context: "session", user_id: user.id}
    # lib/app_web/graphql/mutations/accounts/user_token_mutations.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenMutations do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenResolvers
      object :user_token_mutations do
        @desc "Creates a new user token session"
        payload field :login do
          middleware Unauthenticated
          input do
            field :email, non_null(:string)
            field :password, non_null(:string)
          output do
            field :user_token, :user_token
          resolve &UserTokenResolvers.login_user/2


    Logout mutation

    Last but not least, add the logout mutation.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/resolvers/accounts/user_token_resolvers.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenResolvers do
      alias App.Accounts
      def logout(_args, %{context: %{token: token}}) do
        :ok = Accounts.delete_user_session_token(token)
        {:ok, %{successful: true}}
    # lib/app_web/graphql/mutations/accounts/user_token_mutations.ex
    defmodule AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenMutations do
      use AppWeb.GraphQl.Schema.Type
      alias AppWeb.GraphQl.Accounts.UserTokenResolvers
      object :user_token_mutations do
        @desc "Logs out the current user"
        payload field :logout do
          middleware Authenticated
          output do
            field :successful, :boolean
          resolve &UserTokenResolvers.logout/2

    Note: Remember to import fields and types in the schema.


    Maximum query complexity

    The maximum query complexity is a feature that allows you to limit the complexity of GraphQL queries that your server will accept. Query complexity refers to the computational cost associated with executing a GraphQL operation, typically measured by factors such as the depth of nested fields, and the number of fields requested. The purpose of setting a maximum query complexity is to prevent malicious or unintentionally complex queries from overloading your GraphQL server.

    The Absinthe library supports this feature out of the box with analyze_complexity and max_complexity options. Add these options to the GraphQL router's init_opts.

    # lib/app_web/graphql/router.ex
    init_opts: [
      analyze_complexity: true,
      max_complexity: 300


    In conclusion, Phoenix Framework with Absinthe not only excels in providing a powerful solution for crafting GraphQL APIs with Elixir. The Absinthe library also stands out for its developer-friendly DSL and versatile middleware system. Its intuitive and flexible middleware capabilities simplify the development process, allowing developers of all levels to create robust APIs effortlessly. Furthermore, Absinthe's support for Relay conventions enables, with the use of connections, efficient navigation through large datasets, while its expandability allows for easy creation of an authentication middleware that ensures secure access to protected resources. Additionally, Absinthe's extensibility allows for seamless integration with Plug's capabilities for handling file uploads.

    Link to repo


    What is Absinthe in the context of the Phoenix Framework?

    Absinthe is a GraphQL toolkit for the Elixir language, providing a powerful platform for developing GraphQL APIs within the Phoenix Framework, integrating seamlessly with Elixir projects.

    How do you set up a Phoenix project for GraphQL using Absinthe?

    Setting up involves creating a new Phoenix project, adding Absinthe dependencies and creating schema using Absinthe's DSL.

    What are the basic configurations required in a Phoenix app to handle GraphQL requests?

    Basic configurations include setting up Plug's parser for handling application/graphql content type, and configuring the router to route GraphQL queries appropriately within the application.

    How is the basic GraphQL schema structured in an Absinthe Phoenix application?

    The GraphQL schema in Absinthe is defined using the Absinthe.Schema module, where root query, mutation, and subscription types are declared along with their fields and resolvers.

    How do you define and handle GraphQL queries and mutations in Absinthe?

    Queries and mutations are fields that are defined in the schema file within their respective macros. Resolvers are implemented to fetch or modify the data corresponding to these queries and mutations.

    What are the strategies to handle nested data and avoid the N+1 problem in GraphQL queries?

    Nested data can be efficiently managed using batch loading techniques, like dataloaders, to minimize database queries and resolve the N+1 issue common in GraphQL APIs.

    How should one document and structure an Absinthe Phoenix application for better maintainability?

    Proper documentation involves using descriptive names and adding annotations where necessary. Structuring involves organizing schema, resolvers, and types logically, often around business contexts or domains.

    Jakub Melkowski - Elixir & React Developer at Curiosum
    Jakub Melkowski Elixir & React Developer

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