So, you want to vote online. I understand you. I do.
Especially in times of raging pandemic, lockdowns, face mask and the whole shebang, voting should be made easier. Uber Eats easier. Revolut easier. But why it can’t be? Let me explain.
Curiosum is a brainchild of two guys - Szymon and Michał. What made them leave their cozy corporate desks and put it all on the line to build their own software house? I sat down with them for a quick interview about their story and aspirations.
“Building apps” is actually an extremely wide subject. From complex, machine learning assisted solutions for tough business cases, up to simplistic planners and message boards, you get what you put in.
Explore the session on developing IoT apps using Nerves and Elixir. He walked the audience through a full Nerves application, showcasing its capabilities and providing insights into building robust, fault-tolerant, and maintainable embedded systems.
At Elixir Meetup #1, Krzysztof Kempiński discussed the reliability of Elixir and Erlang, emphasizing their robustness and suitability for building dependable applications.
JavaScript is the most popular language in the world. Why? Because it's the only well-adopted language supported by Web Browsers that brings dynamics to the frontend experience.
There's hardly any more misunderstood element of Elixir than its metaprogramming power. The way to understand it is actually not to try too hard to wrap your head around it.
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