Elixir Meetup #1
ARCHIVE from 12.01.2022

Meetup videos

Check the recordings of the presentations prepared by Krzysztof Kempiński, Michał Buszkiewicz, Szymon Soppa

This meetup took place on 2022-01-12.
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Krzysztof Kempiński


I have been working in the IT industry since 2005. I professionally deal with the backend development of web applications and the management of IT departments. In my career, I have played many roles: a programmer, team leader, CTO and co-owner of a Software House. In addition, I host the podcast “Let’s talk about IT”, appear at conferences and get involved in the development of podcasting in Poland.

Michał Buszkiewicz


Expert in Elixir, Phoenix Framework and related technologies. Before that, he cut his teeth on designing Ruby on Rails applications, with a love for out-of-the-box solutions. A developer trainer in Ruby, Rails, Git, SQL, JavaScript, currently, inside Curiosum, he trains junior Elixir developers.

About the presentation: There are numerous authorization libraries for Phoenix Framework - Michał will show you why none of those does it right and how we’re crafting the ecosystem’s first access control library that integrates seamlessly with both Plug and LiveView and perhaps more than that.

Szymon Soppa


Szymon is an experienced developer and CEO at Curiosum. He led multiple outsourcing projects in different industries and founded an event discovery startup with tens of thousands of downloads on app stores.

About the presentation: Discover how to simplify complex Phoenix contexts by introducing Contexted library for streamlined development and maintainable code. Contexted is an open-source library developed by the Curiosum team that is designed to help you develop maintainable contexts within the Phoenix app. If you’re struggling with it and would appreciate a solution that forces good context design practices, you might be interested in our solution.

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