Elixir Meetup #17
ARCHIVE from 10.05.2023

Meetup videos

Check the recordings of the presentations prepared by Mateusz Osiński

This meetup took place on 2023-05-10.
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Mateusz Osiński

Testing with ExMachina

Mateusz Osiński, a talented Elixir Developer who currently works with Curiosum. Mateusz has an exceptional eye for React technology and is always striving to stay ahead of the curve with his knowledge of the latest developments in the field. Beyond his work, Mateusz is an enthusiastic mountain hiker who loves to explore new heights and landscapes. He’s also passionate about learning about new technology and is always on the lookout for the latest breakthroughs in the field. And when he’s not busy with his work or hobbies, you’ll most likely find him indulging in his love for bacon in all its delicious forms.

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for our next Elixir Meetup?

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Check out recordings of other Elixir Meetups