Elixir Meetup #25
ARCHIVE from 14.02.2024

Meetup videos

Check the recordings of the presentations prepared by Alvaro Callero, Sigu Magwa

This meetup took place on 2024-02-14.
Join the Elixir enthusiasts community during our regular meetups!

Alvaro Callero

Tips and tricks on 'How to develop an app on OTP'

Alvaro is a senior software developer and computer engineer with 10 years of full experience in the IT industry and a passion for learning cutting-edge technologies. He has participated in more than ten projects in cross-functional teams between 6 and 12 people, with clients like Paypal, Ancestry, Salesforce, Mercedes Benz, and Bancolombia, just to name a few!

His interest in Elixir started in 2021, so he has been enjoying it for almost 3 years.

Sigu Magwa

Understanding Elixir GenServers

Community Lover, Software Writer, Team Builder Passionate human who loves promoting software quality, improving the development process, and building highly scalable systems and teams. Sigu is a father to many and a husband to one. Fell in love with Ruby but ended up marrying Elixir after dating shortly. In his dream career, he would be driving an 18-wheeler across the continent.

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